A Good Fall story is a very touching story that tells about an extraordinarily honest Chinese young monk called Ganchin, who had worked for Master Zong’s Gaolin Temple in New York. Ganchin was a Kung Fu instructor in Gaolin’s Temple for over two years, and got fired by Master Zong, the CEO from Gaolin temple due to his visa was expired, and with no opportunity to an extension. Very disappointed Ganchin from the request to be removed from his position at the temple, he demanded at least the payment of his salary for the last past two years, since he never received a penny for the work he had done in the temple. After Master Zong had explained that due to the loading and board he had provided to Ganchin they had nothing else to discuss, Master Zong demanded Ganchin to leave the temple the following day. When Ganchin decides to leave the temple his health was in no good conditions. The very sick young monk, worry for the situation, penniless, and without the possibility to go back to China, as concecuense of, all debts he had in China for his parents were depending on him, he decided to call his friend Cindy, who was a twenty five years old flight attendant’s girl and speak fluent mandarin, to inform her about the bad news, and to let her knows that Ganchin was moving in with a fellow Chinese called Fanku, who lived close to downtown in a small studio apartment. As a result of Ganchin’s poor health, and lack of communication because of the barrier of a new unknown language, it was impossible for him to get a new job. As time pass, in Ganchin’s situation everything was getting worse along with the desperation for the bad circumstance he had end up living in. In a moment of despair, Ganchin decides to commits suicide, and start thinking for a proper and sure place where he can take his own life at once. He starts walking around until he finds a brick building where he decides to jump and kill himself. After all Ganchin’s misfortune, this attempt was just a good fall with a bit of luck and as consequence end up in a hospital with the medical assistance that he needed it due to the fracture in one of his legs and the bad Tracheitis that he was suffering. For this reasons this particular story tells about a young Chinese monk who has been living a rough time due to the lack of consideration and abuse from Master Zong, and the unawareness of the rights and obligations of a human being in America, and how life turns in a good way after his fall.
Vocabulary Words
Inflammation of the trachea, usually secondary to a nose or throat infection. It is classified under "Acute upper respiratory infections."
(of eyes) having thick, drooping upper eyelids resembling hoods : a dark man with hooded eyes.
A place in which someone lives or stays temporarily. (thesaurus)accommodations, place to stay, housing, shelter; residence, habitation.
The provision of regular meals when one stays somewhere, in return for payment or services.
Bribing |brīb|
Persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement, by a gift of money or other inducement.
Elders |ˈeldər|
A person of greater age than someone specified.
Agitated, impatient, or restless : he was too antsy to stay in one place for long.
Sigh |sī|
Emit a long, deep, audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or a similar feeling.